Miwok Means People, long out of print as a hardcover, is now available as an eBook!
From the original dust jacket:
“The Miwok people were one of many tribes who lived in California for centuries before the white man came. The Miwok’s home was in the gold-laden foothills of the Central Sierra Nevada range. This is their story as it has never been told before.
“Miwok Means People contains a new and refreshing appraisal of Miwok life before it was rudely and completely disrupted by the influx of gold-seeking ’49ers. It often is in sharp disagreement with the distorted impressions recorded by early writers, almost all of whom arrived well after the Gold Rush and observed a culture in total disarray.
“The author ‘s research revealed ample evidence that Miwok life was in complete harmony with nature. They knew the flora and fauna of their world and from them harvested the needs of life: food, clothing, shelter, tools, and medicine. They knew little of starvation, wars, or weapons of war. Their games were simple but pleasurable. Their medicines were innumerable and apparently adequate until the white man came.
“This book provides a new depth of understanding and an insight into the true Miwok way of life–a fundamental, uncomplicated way of living which holds increasing attraction for many today.”