At long last—a comic book (dare we say, “graphic novel”?) for people of a certain age!
[Yet it’s plenty dystopian enough for hipsters.]
Now available as a Kindle eBook–specially formatted so you can enjoy a panel at a time on compatible readers.
The world of end-of-life is not for the faint of heart, delicate of constitution, or weak of stomach—unless there is someone there to clean it up.
The author copes with the absurdities—and indignities—of life in a convalescent hospital by chronicling only slightly exaggerated events, rules, and foibles of fellow inmates. It’s a world in which laughter is the only medicine left to those who still have their marbles.
[We get commissions for purchases made through this link, but your price remains the same.]
“Poured a very large drink, then sat down with this book. Found it to be a very serviceable eye shade. When I awoke, I enjoyed it again. A drink, that is. The book resists saliva admirably.” – Gen. R.U. Still-Heer, ret.
“A must-read for everyone who’s old, or old at heart.” – Croaker Swanson
“Think The Singing Detective, without the psoriasis.” – Ed “Geezer” Smith
“I laughed, I cried—then I read this.” – Stewart Johns
“Cuckoo’s Nest for an even more neglected area of medicine.” – Dr. I.M. Dunn
[NOTE: Describing something as “the very cleft of the buttocks” struck the author as an appropriate insult of this de-humanized world. He can’t remember where he heard the phrase, however—he’s old.]
BONUS: for those who have scrolled this far—the original copy, as drafted by Mr. Conrotto many years before.