Avanti America

Avanti America - Kindle format
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36 Tales of the Piemontese in a Small California Farming Paradise


Piemonte means “foothill”—at the foot of the mountains, in this case the Alps in northwest Italy, originally inhabited by Celtic-Ligurian tribes whose capital was destroyed by Hannibal. 

These are the colorful tales of the author’s extended family, immigrants to a unique part of the country—from a unique culture.




I once asked my father if he would be interested in touring California’s Mother Lode gold country with me. “What’s up there?” he asked.

“History. History of California that goes back 150 years to the Gold Rush,” I said.

“Come back to Piemonte with me,” he answered, “and I’ll show you where Hannibal stabled his elephants.” 


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Avanti America -- NOOK
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